I have always been scribbling something – little herds of tiny galloping horses, caves and tunnel houses for families of bug eyed squishy little animals I never did name - all over my bare, brown paper book covers in elementary school.  If it wasn’t that, it was asking my mother to tell me what to draw.  I wanted to come up with new images that were unfamiliar to me - to challenge and surprise myself.

With mosaics and sculptural mosaics the way I create them, there is first inspiration (what a rush), art design (focus that rush) and then the engineering involved (Yes Eileen, there is gravity and you’d better plan for it).  I love that once the problem solving and planning is in place I can take flight and become the doing of the work.  Probably one of the reasons I love this medium is the physicality of it – I form my art and my art forms me.  We’re a team.  And the best times?  When I forget what I’m doing while I'm doing it and surprise myself.

Each art installation offers new and exciting challenges that I look forward to and thrive on as an artist. Considerations for the environment and any special needs such as ADA requirements are part of what I factor into my mosaic installation designs.  All of my commissions have been completed and installed on time and within budget.

My approach for each public art project is to get to know as much as I can about the site: the history that I need to honor, the commissioning body's thoughts for the work, the geography around the site, the natural inhabitants in the area, the intended use of the site, and any community input, as well as my own response to the project site.  All those elements are part of the mix that my go into my artistic interpretation. Every installation is meant to be a touchable, welcoming part of the site in a way that seems to the viewer as if it's always been there.

As a public artist since 2002, I have successfully created mosaic panel and sculptural installations sited both indoors and outside in a freeze thaw climate within budgets of up to $167,000 while successfully working with architects, public agencies and stakeholders on all of my installations.  I consider all to be my teammates working towards the same goal; a successful public art installation.


Eileen Gay


California Institute of the Arts


Character Animation

Favorite Quote:

Art is an inexact science.

- e.g.

Eileen Gay


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